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More About Us

Member organizations employ over 2,650 Texans, utilize over 2,800 volunteers, are governed by over 675 community leaders and provide a comprehensive range of substance abuse services to many thousands of Texas families across the state. The activities of the Association are carried out in three primary areas:


  1. Information Dissemination

  2. Education & Training

  3. Government Affairs & Public Policy

Reduce Health Care Costs

Expand access to prevention and treatment services through private health insurance and public healthcare systems.

Decrease Welfare Dependency

Recognize and address drug and alcohol problems as a barrier to self sufficiency and include prevention and treatment services in Texas welfare reform programs.

Strengthen Texas Youth, Families & Communities

Facilitate coordination, collaboration and expansion of substance abuse prevention services to help children grow up healthy, principled and productive.

Curtail Crime, Recidivism & Criminal Justice Costs

Increase substance abuse treatment opportunities as an alternative to incarceration and provide prevention services to offender families to interrupt the drug abuse/criminal justice cycle.

Increase Workplace Productivity

Provide employers with incentives to establish drug and alcohol free work environments.

Enhance Health Care Delivery

Educate healthcare professionals to recognize drug and alcohol abuse and dependency symptoms which will facilitate the provision of cost effective early intervention and treatment.

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