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What We're About

Vision & Mission
Core Beliefs

Vision: To ensure Texans have access to optimal substance abuse services.


Mission: Leading the way to growth and strength in the substance abuse service industry. 

  • We believe substance abuse is a preventable, treatable family disease.

  • We believe in access to a full spectrum of quality substance abuse services for all Texans.

  • We believe that the prevention of substance use in youth and substance abuse in adults and the treatment of chemical dependency make positive and measurable contributions to society.

  • We believe there is value in community based prevention and treatment services.

  • We believe that through our combined efforts we provide diligent leadership and effective advocacy for our field.

  • We believe education and information that is based on the shared experience and expertise of our members gives consistent and visionary direction.

  • We believe the collective resources of the Association enhance individual member organizations.

Being Involved

Our members are invited to meet at our bi-annual General Membership Meetings held each January and June in Austin, Texas.  The Program Directors meeting held in the Fall is a time when all of our members can come together to network with colleagues, hear the latest from DSHS and learn about current issues in prevention and treatment service delivery.  We also have a Board of Directors that meets bimonthly to discuss policy and business matters of the Association.


ASAP also provides opportunities for members to work directly in areas that are of greatest importance to them.  There are several “teams” within ASAP that are comprised of members who want to help focus awareness on specific issues such as:

  • Institute Leadership Project Team: to plan, develop and implement a leadership and workforce development track at the annual DSHS Behavioral Health Institute;

  • Treatment Rate Increase Project Team: to further the case for support and advocate for increased treatment rates;

  • Government Relations Project Team: to explore opportunities to increase the visibility of substance abuse services and provider representation with the state legislature and coordinate legislative agendas with related associations/coalitions and state agencies;

  • Federal Policy Project Team: to monitor actions and legislation at the federal level and represent our positions to federal agencies and the Texas Congressional Delegation;

  • Community Relations Project Team: to develop opportunities to reduce stigma associated with substance use disorders and increase the visibility of substance abuse services with community and business groups such as Community Coalitions, Workplace and the Recovery community;

  • Primary Healthcare Project Team: to develop partnerships and direct ASAP’s efforts to raise physician involvement and activity in carrying the message that addiction is a disease with healthcare solutions;

  • Professional Advancement Project Team: to address best practices, service delivery needs, program implementation and quality improvement. In the substance abuse service continuum;

    • Prevention

    • Treatment

    • OSAR/ Intervention

  • NIATx Learning Collaborative

  • Program Director's Meeting Project Team: to develop a format and agenda for the annual ASAP Program Directors meeting with an emphasis on revenue generation via promotion to non-member DSHS contractors;

  • Membership Meeting Project Team: In consultation with ASAP president, help plan the program for the general membership meetings and develop an adjunct basic management skills training for member staff;

  • Workforce Development Project Team: to address immediate counselor shortages and to improve the attraction and retention of a qualified prevention and treatment workforce;

  • ASAP Lone Star Award Project Team: to develop criteria and selection processes for an award recognizing statewide impact and excellence in the field;

  • Women's Issues Project Team: to address the specialized needs of women with substance use disorders and the needs of their children and families.

Project Teams
  • Primary Healthcare:  to develop partnerships and direct ASAP’s efforts to raise physician involvement and activity in carrying the message that addiction is a disease with healthcare solutions.  CHAIR:  Doug Denton

  • Workforce Development:  to address immediate counselor shortages and to improve the attraction and retention of a qualified prevention and treatment workforce.  CHAIR:  Eric Sanchez

  • TIPSS: Texas Initiative for Program Success & Sustainability:  to plan, organize and implement an annual training opportunities to promote leadership development and information on advances in the field substance abuse prevention and treatment. 2011 CHAIR:  Ronna Huckaby

  • Criminal Justice:  to address substance abuse service delivery needs, contractor issues, program implementation and quality improvement for substance abuse service continuum within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.  CHAIR:  Pete Weiss

  • Medicaid:  To educate and inform members about the Medicaid substance abuse benefit in Texas and to act as a voice for providers in its development and implementation.  CHAIR:  Becca Crowell

  • Transformation (healthcare reform): to educate and inform members about healthcare reform; its implications for the field; and strategic actions SUD providers can take to prepare for service delivery changes. CHAIR:  TBD

  • Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC):  to educate and inform members about the emerging service delivery category of recovery support services and assist in the development and design of effective implementation strategies.  CHAIR:  Leonard Kincaid

  • Private Pay & Insurance:  to represent SUD treatment providers who rely on private pay and insurance including regulatory and legislative policy issues and the development and implementation of Association program/activities designed to enhance quality, business practices and market penetration.  CHAIR:  Cindy Weir

Membership Application
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